Hi-5 TV Wiki
Cast: Nathan Foley
Kathleen de Leon Jones
Tim Harding
Charli Robinson
Kellie Crawford
Directed by: Ian Munro
Written by: Lisa Hoppe
Leone Carey
Ray Boseley
Anne Kenyon
Chris Phillips
Cameron Clarke
Aired: June 6, 2003
Song of the Week: Underwater Discovery
Week Theme: Discovery
Before: Fantasy
This: Experiments
Next: Outer space

Hi-5 Season 5 Episode 45

Experiments is the forty-fifth and last episode from Hi-5 Series 5.


  • KELLIE does plane flying testing while Chats is in charge of control tower.
  • CHARLI makes paper airplanes.
  • NATHAN finds the Hi-5 band's height and weight.
  • CHARLI tries to be the tallest person.
  • Scientist TIM makes a mixture that turns your voice into your favourite instrument.
  • CHARLI finds different ways to clap.
  • KATHLEEN makes juices for everyone but Jup Jup drinks them.
  • CHARLI shows her groove.
  • SHARING STORIES: Kellie tells us a story about a boy (Nathan) who makes a mixture and he becomes blue and so his brother (Tim) and sister (Charli), but their mother (Kathleen) calls them for dinner time and they don't know how to return to being themselves.

