Hi-5 TV Wiki
My special things
Cast: Tim Harding
Charli Robinson
Nathan Foley
Kathleen de Leon Jones
Kellie Crawford
Directed by: Ian Munro
Written by: Liz Arvidson
Leone Carey
Anne Kenyon
Lisa Hoppe
Chris Phillips
John Wilson
Katherine Phipps
Aired: September 2, 2002
Song of the Week: Hand In Hand
Week Theme: Team work
Before: Pictures
This: My special things
Next: Games

Hi-5 Season 4 Episode 36

My special things is the thirty-sixth episode from Hi-5 Series 4.


  • NATHAN, Kathleen, Tim and Kellie practice the bush dance in a square.
  • CHARLI dances with heels and toe.
  • KATHLEEN and Nathan make lamingtons.
  • CHARLI pretends to cook using her wooden spoon, her measuring cup and her rolling pin.
  • TIM pretends to be a magician that turns a guitar into a ukulele.
  • CHARLI pretends to be a magician too.
  • KELLIE and Chats talk about ladybirds.
  • CHARLI pretends to be different-winged animals.
  • SHARING STORIES: Kathleen tells us a story about a girl (Charli) who has a picnic with her doll (Kellie) and builds a sandcastle with a spade (Tim) and a truck (Nathan).



  • A lamington is an Australian cake, made from squares of sponge cake coated in an outer layer of chocolate sauce and rolled in desiccated coconut. [1]


Shapes in space

We're dancing in a square, we're dancing down a line
Crossing this way, crossing that way, having a real good time
We're dancing in a circle, round and round we go
Dancing, weaving, in and out, we're dancing heel and toe.

We're dancing in a square, we're dancing down a line
Crossing this way, crossing that way, having a real good time
We're dancing in a circle, round and round we go
We're dancing, weaving, in and out, we're dancing heel and toe.

We're dancing in a square, we're dancing down a line
We're crossing this way, crossing that way, having a real good time
We're dancing in a circle, round and round we go
We're dancing, weaving, in and out, we're dancing heel and toe.

Body move #01

Heel, toe, heel, toe, gallop, heel, toe, heel, toe, gallop
Heel, toe, heel, toe, gallop, heel, toe, heel, toe, gallop.

Heel, toe, heel, toe, gallop, heel, toe, heel, toe, gallop
Heel, toe, heel, toe, gallop.

Heel, toe, heel, toe, gallop, heel, toe, heel, toe, gallop.

Puzzles and patterns

Making lamingtons with my special book
I'm making lamingtons, just take a look
I'm making lamingtons for all my friends
Making them, making them with my special book.

Making lamingtons with my special book
I'm making lamingtons, just take a look
I'm making lamingtons for all my friends
Making them, making them with my special book.

Body move #02

Wooden spoon, I'm over the moon
With you I can stir, my mixture is a [...]
Wooden spoon, mix.

Measuring cup, I'm gonna fill you up
With you I can measure my ingredients with pleasure
Measuring cup, measure.

Rolling pin, my head's in a spin
With you I can shout my mixture is quite [...]
Rolling pin, roll.

Making music

I'm the amazing magnificent music magician
I'll do a trick for you, abracadabra, Tim sala bim
You'll never guess what I'll do
You'll never guess what I'll do for you.

I'm the magnificent amazing music magician
I'll do a trick for you, abracadabra, Tim sala bim
You'll never guess what I'll do
You'll never guess what I'll do for you.

He's the magnificent amazing music magician
He'll do a trick for you, abracadabra, Tim sala bim
You'll never guess what he'll do
You'll never guess what he'll do for you.

Body move #03

I'm the magnificent amazing magic magician
I'll do a trick for you, starly, twilley, Charli, gubalee
You'll never guess what I'll do
You'll never guess what I'll do for you.

Word play

Lovely little ladybird lazing in the sun
Flew into the window having lots of fun
Lovely little ladybird lands on my arms
And walks down on my hand, then sits down on my palm.

Little Lola ladybird lazing in the sun
Flying round the garden, having lots of fun
Little Lola ladybird lands on a leaf
It's a little food, then flies away so free.

We are little ladybirds lazing in the sun
Flying round the garden, having lots of fun
Ladybird, ladybird, lands on a leaf
It's a little food, then flies away so free.

Body move #04

Come, fly with me with ladybird wings, fluttering around, above the ground
Come, fly with me with ladybird wings today.

Come, fly with me with chicken wings, flapping around on the ground
Come, fly with me with chicken wings today.

Come, fly with me with eagle wings, soaring around above the ground
Come, fly with me with eagle wings today.

Sharing stories

Play, play, I love to play, play all day, that's what I say
Play, play, just me and you, play all day, that's what I do.

Play, play, I love to play, play all day, that's what I say
Play, play, just me and you, play all day, that's what we do.

Play, play, I love to play, play all day, that's what I say
Play, play with your favourite toys, play all day and jump for joy.
