Hi-5 TV Wiki
In a different way
Cast: Charli Robinson
Nathan Foley
Kellie Crawford
Tim Harding
Kathleen de Leon Jones
Directed by: Ian Munro
Written by: Liz Arvidson
Leone Carey
Emma-Jane Dann
Lisa Hoppe
Chris Phillips
Angela Webber
Aired: July 31, 2002
Song of the Week: One Step Forward
Week Theme: Can do
Before: Asking for help
This: In a different way
Next: I can do anything

Hi-5 Season 4 Episode 13

In a different way is the thirteenth episode from Hi-5 Series 4.


  • NATHAN pretends to be the Shape-Shifting magician, and he makes different pictures using the same shapes.
  • CHARLI makes shapes with her body stretching.
  • The Hi-5 band leaves a big harp for TIM and he tries to discover how to play it.
  • CHARLI does the slipper slide.
  • KATHLEEN decorates a cake with strawberries and blueberries just like another one, but Jup Jup takes away the fruit and she finds another way to decorate the cake.
  • CHARLI carries a piece of cake for Kathleen.
  • KELLIE dropped a cake and she gets angry, but she tries different ways to stop her anger.
  • CHARLI shows what she does when she feels grumpy and happy.
  • SHARING STORIES: Kellie tells us a story about a boy (Nathan) who loves his messy bedroom, and when his dad (Tim) asks him to tidy it up, he finds a funny way to do it along with his sister (Kathleen).



  • Charli is absent in the Sharing Stories segment.


Shapes in space

Shapes, shapes, moving everywhere
Shift the shapes around 'cause there's magic in the air
Shapes, shapes, shapes here and there
Shift the shapes around and a picture will appear.

Shapes, shapes, moving everywhere
Shift the shape around 'cause there's magic in the air
Shapes, shapes, shapes here and there
Shift the shape around and a picture will appear.

Shapes, shapes, moving everywhere
Shift the shape around 'cause there's magic in the air
Shapes, shapes, shapes here and there
Shift the shape around and a picture will appear.

Shapes, shapes, moving everywhere
Shift the shape around 'cause there's magic in the air
Shapes, shapes, shapes here and there
Shift the shape around and a picture will appear.

Body move #01

Shapes, shapes, shapes here and there
Shift the shapes around and another will appear.

Shapes, shapes, shapes here and there
Shift the shapes around and another will appear.

Shapes, shapes, shapes here and there
Shift the shapes around and another will appear.

Making music

I like to play my music a different way with rainbow-coloured strings today
But how should I play them? I just don't know
Maybe I'll strum them, I'll give that a go.

I like to play my music a different way with rainbow-coloured strings today
But how should I play them? I just don't know
Maybe I'll play them with my violin bow.

I like to play my music a different way with rainbow-coloured strings today
And this is how I play them one by one
Pling, bing, ring, ding, it's so much fun.

Body move #02

Might not be a tap dance, might not be a waltz
Might not be the twist, but I think you'll get the gist
I'm doing the sloppy slipper slide, there's a shuffle in there too
Doing the sloppy slipper slide, come on, what about you?
Sloppy slipper slide.

Might not be a tap dance, might not be a waltz
Might not be the twist, but I think you'll get the gist
I'm doing the sloppy slipper slide, there's a shuffle in there too
Doing the sloppy slipper slide, come on, what about you?
Sloppy slipper slide.

Puzzles and patterns

Fruit on my cake is so good to make
Red and blueberries look good on a plate
But fruit on my cake is so good to make.

Fruit on my cake is so good to make
Red and blueberries look good on a plate
But fruit on my cake is so good to make.

Body move #03

I'm gonna bring, bring, bring
I'm gonna sing, sing, sing
Bring you the plate
Give you cake that was baked
It's a cake for you and it's very yummy too
A waitress with some yummy cake just for you.

Word play

I'm feeling very angry and I'm very, very mad, grumpy, grouchy, cranky, crabby
Absolutely, definitely, positively beasty, when I feel this [...] I like to hop about
Shake my arms and stomp my feet, shake that feeling out, grumpy, grouchy, cranky, crabby
I'm jumping hopping mad, I'm hopping jumping mad.

I'm feeling very angry and I'm very, very mad, grumpy, grouchy, cranky, crabby
Absolutely, definitely, positively beasty, when I feel this [...] I like to hop about
Shake my arms and stomp my feet, shake that feeling out, grumpy, grouchy, cranky, crabby
I'm jumping hopping mad, I'm hopping jumping mad.

Body move #04

[...], feeling grumpsky, hands on hips, [...] my lips
[...], feeling grumpsky, fold my arms and stomp my feet.

[...], feeling lipsky, feet to the side, arms out wide
[...], feeling lipsky, jump up high with a great big smile.

Sharing stories

If I put this over here and put that over there
I can make something great, the best place anywhere.

If we put this over here and put that over there
We can make something great, the best place anywhere.

If we put this over here and put that over there
We can make something great, the best place anywhere.
